Media and Publications

News and Editorial
An article in the Orange Juice Blog (a news outlet for Orange County, California) summarizes how the salt from ocean desalination can be used to lock up (sequester) carbon dioxide from a property-sharing, natural gas, or power plant.
Executive summary version:
OC can do Desal better: Use salt to lock up CO2 emissions.
Long form version:
Poseidon and AES: Don’t dump your daily 175 railroad hopper cars of salt into the ocean. Use it to lock up your daily 120 railroad hopper cars of CO2 emissions.
Footnote*: Owing to a lack of senior-level geology personnel with the nascent “professional” licensure required for signing “official” documents, as regulated by licensure programs that deliberately exclude academic geologists and other geologists whose prior service answered to engineers, and to limit liability generally, agencies and consulting firms are increasingly releasing articles and reports unauthored as “corporate products”. Verification of authorship may be obtained by contacting the respective agency or firm … if they kept records.
Hoaglund, 2022. Changes in Aqueous (Geo)chemistry Leading to Lead Exposure from the Drinking Water of Flint, Michigan. NGWA Abstracts with Program
Hoaglund, 2022. Carbonate disequilibrium and isotopic groundwater provenance in faulted felsic volcanic terrain underlain by carbonate rock. NGWA Abstract with Program
Kwicklis, E., Farnham, I., Hershey, R.L., Visser, A., and Hoaglund III, J, 2021. Understanding long-term groundwater flow at Pahute Mesa and vicinity, Nevada National Security Site, USA, from naturally occurring geochemical and isotopic tracers. Hydrogeol J (2021). Open Access Full Text
Farnham, I. M., Kwicklis, E. M., Hershey, R. L., Visser, A., and Hoaglund III, J., 2020. Phase II Geochemical and Isotopic Evaluation of Groundwater Flow in the Pahute Mesa–Oasis Valley Flow System, Nevada. United States: N. p., 2020. Web. doi:10.2172/1784908. OSTI # 1784908
Hoaglund, J.R. 2018* OSTI #1468441, 2018: Pahute Mesa Phase II Well ER-20-12 Well Development, Testing, and Sampling Data and Analysis Report
Hoaglund, J.R. 2018* OSTI # 1466409, 2018: Yucca Flat Well Development and Testing Analyses for Wells ER-3-3 and ER-4-1, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada
Hoaglund, J.R. 2017 An Environmental Trifecta: Coupling Desalination with Carbon Mineralization to eliminate CO2 and brine disposal, store energy, and reduce salination of groundwater
Hoaglund, J.R. 2016. Coupling Brine Desalination with Carbon Sequestration to Produce Solid Carbonate Minerals. National Groundwater Association. 2016 Groundwater Summit. Abstract #10936 with program.
Hoaglund, J.R. 2015 Poseidon and AES: Don’t dump your daily 175 railroad hopper cars of salt into the ocean. Use it to lock up your daily 120 railroad hopper cars of CO2 emissions.
Hoaglund, J.R. 2015. OC can do Desal better: Use salt to lock up CO2 emissions.
Sturchio, N.C., J.R Hoaglund, III, R.J. Marroquin, A.D. Beloso, Jr., L.J. Heraty, S.E. Bortz, and T.L. Patterson, 2012. Isotopic Mapping of Groundwater Perchlorate Plumes [San Bernardino Basin, California]. Ground Water, Vol. 50, No. 1, p. 94–102. [ online at Ground Water ]
available in e-book format and online:
[ pdf file: ]
[ official govt citation: ]
Archive of model files
Michigan Basin RASA Modflow model input/output files, data, figures, support programming, etc.
Michigan Basin RASA Modflow ArcView 3.2 archive of model grids and maps.

Entropy Happens: An energy blueprint toward sustainability
This is an online version of the book (ISBN: 978-1-4583-4698-8)
Earth and Environmental Research and Education Center
Dr Hoaglund maintains the Earth and Environmental Research and Education Center where he posts lectures and podcasts on carbon sequestration, environmental sustainability, water resources, and geology.
The following link lists courses available for students and the public:
As part of the educational mission of CanWE, Dr. John Hoaglund has prepared a course on carbon sequestration, Arresting Climate Change.
As part of the educational mission of CanWE, Dr. John Hoaglund has prepared a course on water management, What’s In My Water, and Where Is It From?
The following are additional courses he plans to create.
1) Entropy Happens: An energy blueprint toward sustainability
A series of lectures based on the book
2) 20 calculations that liberated humanity using high school math
3) It’s out of the noise: An overview of the geologic history of climate change and its discoverers
4) Environmental forensics using Isotopes: An example tracking perchlorate sources in groundwater

The Nevada Conservation League (NCL) recently interviewed Dr. John Hoaglund, the founder of our non-profit Carbon Negative Water and Energy (CanWE), about carbon sequestration, climate change mitigation generally, and the overall sustainability goals of CanWE:
An Environmental Trifecta: A video explaining how brine from ocean desalination can be used for carbon sequestration [the lock-up of CO2 emissions] by producing carbonate mineral solids:
The Shadows We Leave is A film by Kody Genovia featuring Dr. Hoaglund’s work on perchlorate in groundwater!
The Shadows We Leave from Kody Genovia on Vimeo.
The related publication:
Sturchio, N.C., J.R Hoaglund, III, R.J. Marroquin, A.D. Beloso, Jr., L.J. Heraty, S.E. Bortz, and T.L. Patterson, 2012. Isotopic mapping of groundwater perchlorate plumes [San Bernardino Basin, California]. Ground Water, Vol. 50, No. 1, p. 94-102.
Available online to NGWA members :